CfA Seamless-Borgman Oct 2018
Cochrane Colloquium Edinburgh: Opening keynote
If Data Sharing is the Answer, What is the Question? - The 10th Annual BCLT Privacy Lecture
Big Data, Little Data, or No Data? Knowledge Infrastructures for the Earth Sciences - EarthCube All Hands Meeting Keynote
Why Data Sharing & Reuse Are Hard To Do? - BD2K Fundamentals of Data Science
Big Data, Little Data, No Data: Who is in Charge of Data Quality - World Data System Webinar #9
Research Data Matters - University of California Libraries
Reproducibility: Gold or Fool's Gold in Digital Social Research? - Oxford Internet Institute
Big Data, Little Data, Open Data - Göttingen University
Response to ‘the Future of Research Libraries’: Christine Borgman, Oliver Smithies - Oxford Internet Institute
The Future of Research Libraries: Interview with Dame Lynne Brindley - Oxford Internet Institute
Data, data everywhere - but how to manage and govern? - The Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society
Why Are Data Sharing and Reuse So Difficult? - FaceBase Annual Meeting
The Knowledge Infrastructure of Astronomy - Seamless Astronomy Group Colloquium Series
Dr. Borgman Presentation at 7-hour, 27-minute mark - 2014 Legislative Data and Transparence Conference
Christine Borgman - Yahoo Seminar Series
Sharing, Reusing, and Repurposing Data - Oxford e-Research Centre
Big Data, Little Data, No Data - voicesfromoxfordUK
Data and Technology - voicesfromoxfordUK
Scholarship in the Networked World - voicesfromoxfordUK
Bollen & Borgman discuss Linked Data - VALA2014
Data in the Digital Domain - voicesfromoxfordUK
Big data and the long tail: Use and reuse of little data - Oxford eResearch Centre Seminar
ADS, Astronomy, and Scholarly Infrastructure - ADS XX Anniversary Colloquium
Society and the Internet of Things - voicesfromoxfordUK
Information, Infrastructure, and the Internet: Reflections on Three Decades in Internet Time - Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Membership Meeting
Local or Global? Making Sense of the Data Sharing Imperative Part 1 - USC Office of Research, the Norman Lear Center
Local or Global? Making Sense of the Data Sharing Imperative Part 2 - USC Office of Research, the Norman Lear Center
Local or Global? Making Sense of the Data Sharing Imperative Part 3 - USC Office of Research, the Norman Lear Center
Scholarship in the Digital Age: Blurring the Boundaries between Research and Learning - Oxford Internet Institute
How is research being made available in formal and informal ways and what can be done now to make it available for future scholars? (Keynote) - Harvard Digital Scholarship Summit
Scholarship in the Digital Age: Information, Infrastructure, and the Internet - Columbia University Scholarly Communication Program
Open Access and Scholarly Communication: What new librarians should know - Information Studies Department Colloquium
Scholarship in the Digital Age: Information, Infrastructure, and the Internet - Center for Digital Research and Scholarship